Retrospect Auto LTD
Would You Let This Grifter Handle Your Money?
Stephen Brown has a vast history of scams, is this his next grift? Retrospect Auto LTD was formed on 6/28/2022 in Vancouver British Columbia as a Canadian BC Company. Same address as HPIL Holding (Caveat Emptor OTC:HPIL) and Crank Media (Expert Market OTC:CRKM) as well as many other business previously registered by Stephen Brown. All of Stephen Brown's companies and many past from his current round of scams are registered to the same address. "Sadly," all of his pubic companies are untradable due to Cease Trading orders by the Canadian government and both Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) and Expert Market designations by OTC Markets. Currently, neither companies have current reporting , making shareholders and debt holders unable to liquidate their position or convert into stock and get their money back.
This site's dropdown has extensive history of Stephen Brown's scams dating back to the 1970's within the biography page. There is further detail on his most famous scam, Vidnet, detailing the real story verses a fraudulent one Stephen Brown tells people to sucker them into stealing their money. Further detail on his perpetual motion electric vehicle scam, NFTs, etc. is detailed on the HPIL Holdings page. Please read all the information before giving your hard earned money to Stephen Brown... which he will likely use to rent lavish penthouse apartments and mansions he will later be evicted from when the grift's money runs out. If you are interested in learning more regarding the over 100 civil and criminal lawsuits please visit the Legal page. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out at the bottom of the page for more info.
Current Website: www.retrospectauto.com
--Canadian Business Registry--
Business Number (BN): 716738000
Registry ID: BC1369518
Registered Office Location: Vancouver, BC
Status: Active
Business Type: BC Company
Created: 2022-06-28
--Vancouver Business License--
LicenceRSN 4095648
Licence Number 22-268576
BusinessName Retrospect Auto Ltd
1720 650 W GEORGIA ST
Vancouver, BC British Columbia, CA Canada
V6B 4N8
Number of Employees 2

Canadian Business Registration
Retrospect Auto LTD Canadian Business Registration, likely by Stephen Brown
Vancouver Business License Registration
Retrospect Auto LTD Vancouver Business License Registration by Stephen Brown and same as address HPIL Holding and Crank Media. (now Out of Business #winning)

Taking on Investment?
Retrospect Auto LTD rumored to be taking on up to 10M in investments for ???
Previously Names Spyker Auto North America LTD

GEM Yield Bahamas'?
Retrospect Auto LTD potentially has a deal for funding with GEM Yield Bahamas? Toxic dilutor, needs a Canadian shell to work.
Approved by John Fenton from GEM?
Retrospect Auto LTD deal approved by John Fenton of GEM Yield Bahamas? Toxic dilutor, needs a Canadian shell to work.

Retrospect Auto LTD Is Not Part Of HPIL Holding or Apogee
Retrospect Auto LTD, per Stephen Brown, has nothing to do with HPIL Holding or Apogee Dynamics.
Spyker Auto NA?
Retrospect Auto LTD related to the new Spyker C8 Preliator coming to North America?

Victor Muller Says No Deal
Per Victor Muller of Spyker Cars, it seems that there is no deal made with Stephen Brown, Spyker Auto North America LTD, or Retrospect Auto LTD.
Spyker Denies Any Connecton
Retrospect Auto LTD looks like the website was fabricated and there is no agreement

Aaaannnnnddddd It's Gone
Website down!
New Retrospect Auto Website Active
Another Stephen Brown single landing page website to setup for more fraud and theft of shareholder money.

New Retrospect Auto Website Down
Another Stephen Brown single landing page website to setup for more fraud and theft of shareholder money deleted.

"Mr Brown is an imposter and fraud."
Victor Mullen getting real here!

"He should be behind bars."
Victor Mullen getting real here!